Our Commitment for Partnerships and Community Engagement
españolEquitable Earth Initiative commits to abiding by the following principles in its partnerships.

Service for Collective Well-being
Equitable Earth Initiative’s efforts are guided by the firm belief and practice that a genuine spirit of service can lead to unity in diversity, social transformation, and ultimately to collective well-being. Our actions are undertaken in a spirit of service, emerge from cycles of consultation, action and learning, and are aimed at supporting informed action and consensus building.

Community-Driven Development
Equitable Earth Initiative is not an implementer of local development efforts. Our aim in partnering is to help build the capacity of communities and organizations to lead their own development processes, and to foster collaborative learning and analysis that enables grassroots action to inform policy and decision-making at higher levels.

Inclusivity and Equity
Equitable Earth Initiative will take meaningful steps to avoid that its partnerships with communities contribute to the sidelining of underprivileged and marginalized groups within the community or to injustice or disunity among communities.

Mutual Benefit
Our partnerships will involve open communication of the objectives and benefits of each party. Equitable Earth Initiative will communicate clearly both what it offers and what benefit it hopes to get from a partnership, and expects its community and other partners to do the same.

Partnerships not Driven by Project Funding and Timelines
Although some partnerships may be temporary, and although partnerships may sometimes benefit from grants or other project funding that Equitable Earth Initiative receives, we will make every effort to not allow funding cycles and project timelines to be the main driver of our partnerships. We recognize that within communities and in partnerships among diverse stakeholders, time is needed for deliberation and for the building of trust. We will allow our partnerships to develop at a pace that is right for each community or organization we partner with.
Establishing collaborations and partnerships